Thursday, December 01, 2005

In a country where the electricity is not reliable (with sometimes daily power outages) and also expensive there is reason to look for alternative ways of making electricity. In this photo Joe is welding a platform for a diesel generator in order to make our own electricity and hopefully to help others with creating their own electricity in the future.
Joe is working under the workshop area that doubles as my clothes drying area...yes there have been some tense moments with this arrangement!

Hearts in Action is a mission compound in the Peten. It's vision is to train and equip youth and pastors for the transformation of Guatemala. Joe is in an electrical junction box as part of the job of changing out all the aluminum wiring (aluminum oxidizes quickly and Peten is really humid...therefore posing major problems and potential fire hazzards). Sabra is supervising in this photo and we were all there to help with the work on this trip. It was a big job but we enjoyed being with the great team at Hearts in Action.

There is some incredible scenery up in Tectitan, where Joe and Mike did a satellite install. Can you see Joe on the side of the building in this picture?
They were really cold at night in this location and Mike said he could not warm up during their time there.

Ok these pictures are going to be in reverse order as I learn how to use this blog...This is one of the final steps in the satellite installation which is shown in the following pictures. The missionary with Joe on the scaffolding has been in Guatemala for more than 30 years (and most of those years without indoor plumbing and other luxuries we all take for granted).

Mike and Joe have caught a big one! They are hauling the satellite dish up to install in the mission in Tectitan (another job site for Joe that is close to
the Mexico border). Yes that is Mike on the right (he was freaked out by the picture because it looks like he only has a nose) he is long-haired here and wearing a toque and is in the shade...have no fear...he really has a face!

Good thing Joe does not have a fear of heights! Micah went along for this trip and they installed a satellite for internet for a mission in Tectitan.

Here is Joe up on the roof of a Bible School in Huehuetenango. We are thankful that God has protected Joe in all the physical work that he does and also on the long drives to the various missions that require his help. As the crow flies, the distance is not that long but on very curvy mountain roads the trip time is tripled. This site is 7 hrs away normally.

Joe is installing the beams for a Bible School in Huehuetenango.

Here Joe is welding beams for a Bible school in Huehuetenango (that is in the "boonies" of Guatemala, more towards the border of Mexico...and a very long drive from our house)